Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Morals and Human Sexuality Pt. 2

“Sexuality is one of the ways we become enlightened, actually because it leads us to self-knowledge,” –Alice Walker

There are children who are opting to please parents when it comes to forging their own path. There are civil wars going on within between the conscience and the soul. In defining yourself you have accepted your truth and not the fallacy. It is to know every intricate aspect of personality and mirroring it so the masses can see what you perceive.

The explanation of how morals affect human sexuality results in ambiguity. There will always be a personal answer to the question yet no correct answer. Morality is what shapes our personality and the decisions we make. Adding the factor of sexuality and our choices of sexual freedom we tend to choose based on taught values. People define their sexuality based on societal ways of thinking. Recently people are starting to recognize and embrace their truth, leading to personal revolutions.

“Sexuality is fluid. It moves freely in and out of the universe. It’s contingent upon energy and character. Sexuality isn’t based on gender or orientation. I’m queer, always have been. I was taught that there was a binary gender paradigm but I do not adhere to that. I don’t believe that sexuality is a binary concept, but a spectrum. I choose not to adhere to a hetero-normative lifestyle or society.”

“Sexuality isn’t something to be figured out. It is something that grows with you and manifests itself in your being in the most comfortable way. Sexuality is stage that one embraces naturally when they are ready to open up that part of themselves. I can’t say wholeheartedly that my environment per say had shaped my views on sexuality but my morals most definitely. My morals shape my life, how I ought to function and how I treat myself and others. I guess in regards to my sexuality, my morals has led me to create an energy in myself that attracts like souls to explore in the most healthy and respectable way. The universe allows it so that I am able to learn every lesson that comes my way.”

In regards to opposition, sexual revolutions are distasteful if not in the right accordance. In the article, “When Sexuality Goes Feral,” by Bill Muehlenberg he states, “The disastrous consequences of the sexual revolution continue to unfold and be fully displayed to a world losing the ability to even be shocked anymore.” He continues, “Everyone is harmed by this massive social experiment, but it is often our children who are the biggest losers. The destruction of this sexual tsunami shows no signs of aborting and it will only likely get much worse in the days ahead.” Muehlenberg even touches on a person’s personal choice of who to love. “Of course much of this is driven by the militant homosexual lobby and their efforts to destroy marriage and family and even the very idea of biological sexuality. For them one’s sex is purely a matter of social construction and biology has nothing to do with who we are as sexual beings.”

Feral is defined as having returned to an untamed state from domestication or existing in a wild or untamed state. Why does anything need to be tamed in the first place and who is authorized to do such? To define sexuality based on opinion of ignorance is an injustice. People are more inclined to private revolutions in fear of public shaming rather than embrace the essence of who they truly are.

The stigma of having sexual freedom is from those who have fear of doing the same. Although we try to be people who are unfazed by judgment, the responses from others dictate our doings either way. In elaboration, the need for labels and categories for those who are inclined to go against what is deemed normal. Here in fact is where morality and values are the prominent players. These two indicators are what shape the personality of the judged and ones doing the judging.

“For me, sexuality is ever evolving. I’m right in the middle of living this right now and the evolution of my morals through a changing environment is crucial to that. I’ve come to understand they go hand in hand. Sexuality is a really complex and beautiful thing.”

“Sexuality for me is the foundation of life (love, happiness, artistic expression, etc.) and all creations there in. it is the most possibly powerful interaction between individuals with the correct composition of compatibility with one another. Media influence, irresponsibility and ignorance have torn from the genuine eroticism of the natural and explorative act itself, but when between people who respect it and the power it yields; it is the closest physically spiritual experience you can share with someone.”

It is by any means a personal choice and preference of how we choose to explore and display our sexuality individually. Some find strength within discovering what frees them and others are quite as comfortable. There will always be opposition in every situation that involves a choice. How can we permeate right from wrong when there isn’t an ultimate answer? How do the choices of someone else affect how you live your life? These questions should be asked when judging others on their decisions and choices. Everyone has their own set morals in place, let’s respect their decisions and love one another unconditionally.